The Inner and Outer Sound


The Cassia Cornuta, a large oceanic snail species, has a straight, almost horizontal wall at its opening. It is therefore particularly suitable for a cast variant in which the mouth of the snail is to align with the straight surface. The mother-of-pearl body then appears as if inserted into the material. My sculpture is a concrete block, cement-colored and in human proportions. It is easy to approach and hear the rustle with the ear on the snail, or any other opening. Because every opening is like the snail, it hisses the individual noise of the each person listening. With the listening ear at the opening, all the sounds of Tokyo pass simultaneously to the other ear.

  • Permanente Klangskulptur für den Azabu Juban District, Tokio 1996

Concrete casting with Cassia Cornuta auger housings and openings; 140cm x 50cm x 50cm.